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I’ve been hunting around for community services that could help families and loved ones trudge though the unfamiliar, frightening and frustrating experience of having someone they care about experience mental health difficulties.  I came across this site:

<a href=”http://familymentalhealthrecovery.org/about/background“>Family outreach and response</a>

I need your help ! 

I intend to make an international directory of services for those of us who care for people with mental health difficulties (diagnosed and undiagnosed).  Can you please provide website addresses or phone numbers or any other contact info for organizations in your community (where ever in the world you live)?

Just leave responses in the comment box.  If you know someone who may be able to provide this info please share this post with them so they can respond.  Sharing on Facebook and Twitter also allows people to respond who you may not think would be familiar with these resources.

Thank you in advance for your help !

I wish you physical, emotional and spiritual wellness.

In need of a safe place